Rick Dees presents the King Of Pop, Michael Jackson
with the Award for Greatest Artist In The History of Pop Music.
Michael In 'USA Today'
Michael recently granted an interview to American newspaper 'USA Today'. In the article, which can be found on the USA Today website, the King of Pop speaks candidly about many things, including "Invincible" and fatherhood. Here are some highlights of the interview:
Q: How did you react when Invincible topped the chart here and in a dozen countries?
A: It was a lovely feeling. I cried happy tears to see all the love.
Q: Invincible was several years in the making. Does your perfectionism slow the process?
A: It did take a while because I'm never happy with the songs. I'll write a bunch of songs, throw them out, write some more. People say, "Are you crazy? That's got to go on the album." But I'll say, "Is it better than this other one?" You only get 75 minutes on a CD, and we push it to the limit.
Q: Invincible hasn't enjoyed record-breaking sales. Does Thriller cast too big a shadow?
A: Absolutely. It is tough because you're competing against yourself. Invincible is just as good or better than Thriller, in my true, humble opinion. It has more to offer. Music is what lives and lasts. Invincible has been a great success. When The Nutcracker Suite was first introduced to the world, it totally bombed. What's important is how the story ends.
Q: How has fatherhood changed you?
A: In a huge way. You have to value your time differently, no doubt about it. It's your responsibility to make sure they're taken care of and raised properly with good manners. But I refuse to let any of it get in the way of the music or the dance or the performing. I have to play two different roles. I always wanted to have a big family, ever since I was in school. I was always telling my father I would outdo him. He had 10 children. I would love to have like 11 or 12 myself.
Q: What have you taught your children?
A: I try to make sure they're respectful and honorable and kind to everybody. I tell them, no matter what they do, work hard at it. What you want to do for a lifetime, be the best at it.
The full interview can be found at the USA Today web site.
Source: USA Today / MJFC
Biggest Comeback Of The Year
In an online poll conducted on the E! Entertainment web site, voters chose the King of Pop as the "Celebrity with the Biggest Comeback."
Source: E! Entertainment Television / MJFC
Michael Jackson Talks To KIIS-FM
On December 17th, Los Angeles radio station KIIS-FM will air a one-hour Michael Jackson special including an interview with the King of Pop.
Michael Jackson granted an exclusive interview to radio icon Rick Dees during which he made a special announcement.
Rick Dees hosts a popular radio program every weekday morning in Los Angeles on KIIS-AM/FM. He also hosts the syndicated radio show “Rick Dees Weekly Top 40.”
For more information on the event and the internet broadcast, visit www.kiisfm.com
Michael Jackson will also appear at the KIIS Jingle Ball concert at Los Angeles' Staples Center on December 19th, with performances by Alicia Keys, Shakira, Craig David, Sugar Ray, Lifehouse, LFO, Five For Fighting and Michelle Branch.
Tickets are available from www.ticketmaster.com
The radio station's program is broadcast live on the internet . For being able to listen you will have to register and a special software (Hiwire) will be downloaded to your computer. Please visit KIIS-FM and Rick Dees Online for additional information.
Michael Nominated for 6 NAACP Image Awards
Michael has been nominated 6 times for the prestigious NAACP Image Awards 2002 by the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), a civil rights group. Founded more than thirty years ago during a meeting in the home of Sammy Davis Jr., the NAACP Image Awards honor projects and individuals of all races who have helped promote "positive images of people of color."
Nominations for the awards are determined by 300 show-business professionals and NAACP officials who select five nominees for each of the 41 categories.
Michael's nominations:
Outstanding Variety Series/Special: 'MICHAEL JACKSON: 30th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL' (CBS)
Outstanding Performance in a Variety Series/Special: MICHAEL JACKSON ('Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration')
Outstanding Male Artist: MICHAEL JACKSON ('Invincible')
Outstanding Music Video: 'YOU ROCK MY WORLD' MICHAEL JACKSON (Directed by Paul Hunter)
Outstanding Song: 'YOU ROCK MY WORLD'; Songwriter(s): Michael Jackson, Rodney Jerkins, Fred Jerkins III, LaShawn Daniels & Nora Payne; Artist: Michael Jackson
Outstanding Album: 'INVINCIBLE' Michael Jackson
This is not the first time Michael has been nominated. For a list of the NAACP Image Awards he received in the past please visit MJFC's 'Michael's HIStory' section (see 'Awards').
The 33rd annual NAACP Image Awards show will take place at the Universal Amphitheatre, Universal City (USA) on February 23, 2002 and will be broadcast as a two-hour prime time television special on March 1, 2002 by TV channel FOX (USA).
Europe - MJ Weekend Mtv
MTV Europe will air a Michael Jackson Weekend devoted to the man & the music on Dec. 8 and 9.
Source: MJIFC
Radio station KIIS FM in Los Angeles is getting ready for their 2001 'Jingle Ball' and the King of Pop is scheduled to make a special appearance. The Jingle Ball is being held on December 19, 2001 at the Los Angeles Staples Center. No word on whether or not Michael will be performing.
Source: KIISFM
Rolling On….In Spain!!
The Spanish version of 'Rolling Stone Magazine' that Michael appeared on. The photo used is the cover of the 'Invincible' album, however this version shows more of his hair and there is a bit of colour to his face and eyes, rather than the black and white version that we are all accustomed to.
Source: MJWN
NRJ Music Awards 2002
Michael Jackson is nominated twice for the 2002 NRJ Music Awards which will happen on January, 19th 2002 and live broadcast on the French channel, TF1. The King Of Pop is nominated in the "Best Male Artist Of The Year" category as well as in the "Song Of The Year" category with "You Rock My World".
So the time has come for the fans to come together since you can vote for Michael on the nrj.fr website, on the 3615 NRJ and at the phone number: 089274720
Source: NRJ.fr
The televised version of the Madison Square Garden show was broadcast in the USA on CBS. The broadcast began at 9pm, competing with the successful NBC sitcom, "Frasier".
However, from 10pm, that's to say at around the time Michael was performing on stage with his brothers, it's CBS which had the greater part (relative) of the market share with 18% of people watching. Which is very good for the States.
Howard Stern, a journalist and (so ?) great Michael basher couldn't make up his mind to confess: "He's Invincible."
Do I need to translate?
Source: MJNI - Photo: MJM
New releases
Two new releases from Michael and Sony are in stores today. First, 'Video Greatest Hits HIStory - Special DVD Edition,' which includes a never-before available 18-minute version of 'Bad,' directed by Martin Scorsese. And 'Dangerous - The Short Films' which highlights extensive behind the scenes footage on all of the Dangerous video shoots.
Source: MichaelJackson.com / MJFC
HIStory Re-released
Sony re-released 'HIStory' Vol. 1 (the greatest hits) as a single disc CD. The disc also features new cover art instead of the HIStory statue.
Source: MJFC
Virgin Megastore
+ Photos!
(Video Player, 50sec. MTV.com)
Virgin Megastore New York!
Today (November 7, 2001), Michael made his first ever in-store appearance at Virgin Megastore, New York (USA) to promote his new album, 'Invincible,' and to sign copies of his disc for fans.
. .
. .
He also made a grand appearance in front of the store on Times Sqaure, stepping onto a podium outside to acknowledge the huge crowd who had gathered to see him. Hundreds of people rushed to get a glimpse of him.
Source Photo: Reuters / AP / MJFC
Exclusive Interview with Bruce Swedien
A few days before the release of INVINCIBLE, world-renowned tracking engineer, Bruce Swedien granted an interviewed to Monster Cable, the company that produces the Monster Cable recording cable which Bruce Swedien has been using for more than a decade. The famous engineer has long been a passionate supporter of Monster Cable. He's used it on virtually every recording session since Michael Jackson's BAD album.
Bruce Swedien has spent the last six decades recording the best-selling music of all time. He has won 5 Grammy Awards in 15 nominations, including "Best Engineered Recording" for the best-selling album of all time, THRILLER.
In this exclusive interview, Bruce Swedien talks about Michael Jackson's creative process and the making of INVINCIBLE.
Monster Cable —What can we expect as far as the overall musical direction of INVINCIBLE?
Bruce Swedien —Well, you know I have done all of Michael's albums. This one musically hits more in the area of OFF THE WALL and THRILLER than the ones we have done more recently.
Monster —Was that a direction Michael consciously wanted to go in?
Bruce —Yeah, absolutely. More back to his roots. I think it was very natural. We love that kind of music. And if we don't love that kind of music, how can we expect the public to love it? That's basically what it is. We did the music that we love. Michael and I have an old saying, "The quality goes in before the name goes on." That's where we are coming from as far as that goes.
Monster —Since "You Rock My World" is the first single, is it fair to say it is representative of the album overall?
Bruce —"You Rock My World" made itself known over a year ago. We knew that it was going to be a cornerstone of the album and it set the mood and the feel for the rest of the music. If we would work on a piece of music, or somebody would bring something to us; if it didn't live up to that standard, then forget it. In fact, we recorded a ton of stuff that we didn't use. A lot of times a real good piece of music will never get on the album, only because it just doesn't fit. You know Michael loves drama. If the music doesn't have drama, if it's just a derivative of a piece of music without drama, Michael's not going to go for it. There is a lot of drama on this album, though.
Monster —INVINCIBLE was recorded in several studios, correct?
Bruce —Oh yeah. We started out in California. Actually we started in New York at Sony before I got on, and the Hit Factory. Then I got on and we were at the Hit Factory in New York and then we went to the Record Plant in Los Angeles, then back to the Hit Factory. Then we went to Criteria in Miami, then finished at the record plant in Los Angeles.
Monster —How long did the whole recording process take?
Bruce —There was a lot of pre-production. I've been on it for a year. Michael started working on it a year before I got there. It's been in the works for a while and it is just a wonderful album.
Monster —Was this a difficult or easy album to make?
Bruce —Actually, working with Michael is not difficult at all. Never has been. There can be moments when something isn't working and it gets tense. But Michael is very easy to work with.
Monster —You've been a longtime, exclusive Monster Cable user on all your projects and have been passionate about advocating the benefits of using high performance cable. Was Michael's new disc INVINCIBLE recorded with Monster?
Bruce —Absolutely! In fact, every vocal of Michael's was recorded with Monster Cable. And, the entire album was mixed with Monster Cable.
Monster —Can you recall the first time you and Michael heard the Monster sonic difference?
Bruce —Well, Michael and I were both in the control room when we first evaluated Monster Cable with a connection between the console and the tape machine. Me, Michael, and Quincy Jones —all three of us were knocked out by the dramatically noticeable enhancement in sound quality, particularly in clarity and low end response. Now, I can't live without my Monster Cable!
Monster —You are certainly one of the elite in Michael Jackson's entourage, having the privilege of documenting every step of the creative process, as Michael makes it happen. What was a standout moment during the recording sessions this time?
Bruce —Everything with Michael is a stand out moment, but an absolutely gorgeous piece of music called "Speechless" was really an event. Michael sings the first 8 bars a cappella. At the end he closes it off a cappella. It was Michael's idea to add the acapulco parts. We also had the Andrae Crouch choir on it. I used my Neumann U-47 tube microphone that I bought new in 1956! No one has ever used it. Of course the signal path is the microphone through Monster Cable and direct to tape. The sound is just spectacular.
At first, we tried it a day or two, and the a cappella just didn't work. His mood and his feeling…it just didn't work. With Michael, it's a deal where you don't just walk up to the mic and sing a piece of music and that's it. That's just not the way it works. We worked a couple of days on this particular thing and he called me in the evening and said, "Bruce it's not right, we have to do it again." But, he's a perfectionist.
Monster —That seems to be the resounding sentiment from those who work with Michael.
Bruce —I've recorded everybody, as you can imagine- Nat Cole, Sarah Vaughan, Ella, you name them, I've recorded them. Michael is without qualification one of the best musicians and vocalists I've ever recorded. And oh, he is a detailed man. For instance, when we record a vocal session, he brings in his vocal coach and warms up for 2 hours before he gets up in front of the mic! Yeah, for 1 or 2 takes he'll do that. I've worked with Michael for close to 25 years, and it's always been this way. He's definitely dedicated and he's a musician's musician. Another example, we'll be working away in the studio and all of the sudden I hear, "clank, clank, bang, scrape," and he's out there moving the tube traps around in the room to change the acoustics!
Monster —Did any well known musicians play on INVINCIBLE?
Bruce —Carlos Santana played on the album. He did a guitar solo on a song called, "Whatever Happens". It is just phenomenal. Everybody that hears that goes bananas.
Monster —Did Michael do a lot of the writing for the album or were outside Bruce —Michael did a lot of it, but there is some outside writing. You know though that Michael always shapes everything.
Monster —And different producers this time out, as well?
Bruce —There's Michael, of course. Rodney Jerkins, Teddy Riley and a guy named Dr. Freeze. We had some very young people producing and programming. Rodney Jerkins did an absolutely masterful job of combining classic Michael Jackson R&B with the modern grooves and sounds. Then there was Teddy Riley of course who is just incredible. It's going to be very interesting when this thing hits the street.
Monster —Michael's music is really timeless. You can hum just about anything he's written. He must be a real fan of melody.
Bruce —Absolutely. One thing that you will always hear Michael say is, "Show me the melody!" He's done some incredible music. Fortunately I've been there for all of it.
Source: Planet Jackson
November 5.2001
Michael On TRL
MJFC has been told that Michael will make an appearance on MTV's TRL on Wednesday, November 7,2001.
The show will broadcast live from the Virgin Megastore in New York City's Times Square where the King of Pop will be making his first ever in-store appearance.
Source: PRNewswire/ MTV/ MJFC
King of Pop To Release Song With Indian Artist
A.R. Rahman, one of India's most talented and successful film composers told Music Pulse, a music industry column, that he has recorded a song with Michael Jackson. The track is titled "Ekam Satyam" (The One Truth) and is sung partly in English and partly in Sanskrit. A.R. Rahman said the song will be released sometime toward the end of the year.
Michael Jackson and A.R. Rahman first worked on the song when they got together for the "Michael Jackson & Friends" concert in Munich in June 1999.
Source: Planet Jackson
New York Story!

The Interwiew audio!
Click here!
The Fans
Don't forget to log on tomorrow, Friday, October 26, for the MJ
Virtual In-Store! The 24-hour Invincible premiere starts at
12PM (ET) / 9AM (PT), and Michael himself will log on for a
live AUDIO chat at 7PM (ET) / 4PM (PT). It's his first chat
since 1995 and you'll be able to hear him live! Don't miss
this, and be sure and check out the Invincible stream so you
can ask him all about it! It's all happening at:
Source: michaeljackson.com
Men In Black 2
According to Sonicnet, Michael has completed filming his part for the new science fiction movie, 'Men In Black 2.' Although the movie stars actors Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones reprising their roles from the first film, it is uncertain what Michael's role will be.
Source: Sonicnet / MJFC
United We Stand: What More Can I Give
C'est d'une voix très sérieuse, que Michael
Tens of thousands of music fans gathered yesterday to celebrate America at the marathon concert, 'United We Stand: What More Can I Give.' The music festival raised about $2 million through ticket sales.
The show was opened by the Backstreet Boys, who sang the National Anthem. After their performance group member Kevin Richardson told the crowd,
"We can't let them defeat us. We have to get up, get out and live our lives every day."
The grand finale, which came more than three hours later than it was scheduled to, featured Michael Jackson. Under a shower of red, white and blue confetti, he was joined onstage by other artists as he performed his new song, 'What More Can I Give.' To the families of the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks, he said,
"You are not alone. You are in our hearts, in our thoughts and in our prayers."
Source: CBS News / MJFC
CBS To Air Madison Square Garden Concert
In America, CBS will air Michael Jackson's 30th Anniversary Celebration concert on November 13th.
Source: Planet Jackson
October 19 2001
Michael's Charity Song Completed
According to Rollingstone.com, Michael has finished the recording of 'What More Can I Give,' the single he hopes will raise $50 million for the families of the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, DC.
Since the attacks, Michael has been traveling the country in order to record the contributions of Ricky Martin, Santana, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Tom Petty, Destiny's Child's Beyonce Knowles, the Backstreet Boys' Nick Carter, Aaron Carter, Mya, Luis Miguel, Ziggy Marley, Gloria Estefan, Boyz II Men's Shawn Stockman, Skakira and a host of others.
Of his efforts Michael has said,
"A song is a mantra, something you repeat over and over. And we need peace, we need giving, we need love, we need unity. I want the whole world to sing this song."
Source: Rolling Stone / MJFC
Exclusive !
The MJFC 3 Generations will attend tonight an Album Party organised by Sony Music. The whole new album "Invincible" will be played.
. Michael et Vincent Price . . Someone In The Dark
.. Circus Girl
/ . Streetwalker
. Fly Away
The photos of the book for the albums Bad Thriller et Dangerous!
King of Pop To Lead Benefit Concert In Washington
Michael Jackson will lead “UNITED WE STAND - WHAT MORE CAN I GIVE The Concert for Washington D.C. & America,” an all-star music festival to benefit the American Red Cross Liberty Relief Fund, the Salvation Army Relief Fund and the Pentagon Relief Fund.
“United We Stand - What More Can I Give” will take place on Sunday, October 21st, at RFK Stadium in Washington D.C. Show time is 1:00 PM.
Joining the King of Pop on stage for this historical eight-hour concert will be Mick Jagger, James Brown, *NSync, P. Diddy, Rod Stewart, Backstreet Boys, Aerosmith, Ricky Martin, Al Green, Kiss and many others.
Michael Jackson is currently rehearsing his forthcoming special performance for the concert, which will include the premiere of his humanitarian anthem “What More Can I Give.”
Tickets for the event go on sale Friday, October 12th at 10:00 AM, through Ticketmaster and at www.cc.com. Ticket prices: $25, $50 and $75.
Source: planet jackson
Michael's Madison Square Garden concerts to air on November 13 2001
Clique here!
03.10.2001 Dangerous & HIStory Short-Films Out On DVD

On November 12th, Epic Music Video will release 2 brand new Michael Jackson DVDs.
-Brace Yourself
-“Billie Jean"
-"The Way You Make Me Fell" [Full-length version (9:30) - Never-before-released commercially]
-"Black Or White" [Full-length version]
-"Rock With You"
-"Bad" [Full-length version (18:00) - Never-before-released commercially]
-"Thriller" [Full-length version]
-"Beat It"
-"Remember The Time" [Full-length version]
-"Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough"
-"Heal The World"
Special DVD features:
-Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound, PCM Stereo / English subtitles / Discography / Instant chapter access.
Retail price: $24.98
-"Black Or White" [Full-length revised version]
-Superbowl "Heal The World"
-"Remember The Time" [Full-length version]
-"Will You Be There"
-"In The Closet"
-"Gone Too Soon"
-"Heal The World"
-"Give In To Me"
-"Who Is It"
Special features:
-Extensive at-the-shoot footage from "Black or White," "Remember The Time" and "In The Closet;" 2 versions of "Heal The World;" Dangerous Tour highlights.
Special DVD features:
-Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound, PCM Stereo / English subtitles / Discography / Instant chapter access.
Retail price: $24.98
Source: Planet Jackson
2.10.2001 Exclusiv!
The Lyrics of the album INVINCIBLE

Expanded Editions - Planet Jackson's Review
On October 15th, Sony Music will release the Expanded Editions of Michael Jackson's OFF THE WALL, THRILLER, BAD and DANGEROUS.
Planet Jackson review and comment the special versions of the King of Pop's classic albums.
Two bonus tracks are featured on this remastered special edition of OFF THE WALL: the original 1978 demo versions of “Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough” (4:48) and “Working Day And Nigh” (4:19).
These captivating pieces of music history demonstrate Michael Jackson's natural talent to create and produce music. Both tracks were recorded at the Jacksons' home in Encino, California. Janet and Randy Jackson participated in the recordings. Randy played the bass and keyboards while Janet handled the percussions using glass bottles among other things!
Both tracks are home demos with rudimentary arrangements. Yet, the foundations of the songs are there. The amazing talent of Michael Jackson as a music creator is obvious.
So much for the skeptics who thought legendary producer Quincy Jones was behind Michael's inspiration.
On an amusing note, the demo version of “Working Day And Night” starts off with a funny squabbling between Randy, Michael and Janet. «Michael, turn down the headphones, man!» yells Randy. «He's trying, Randy!» snaps back Janet.
The expanded version of OFF THE WALL also contains audio interviews with producer Quincy Jones and composer Rod Temperton where they share their memories on the making of the album.
Note: The expanded edition of OFF THE WALL was to include the original demo version of “Rock With You.” However, this track has finally been removed from the tracklisting.
The expanded version of the THRILLER album contains 4 bonus tracks.
The first one is “Someone In The Dark,” the instant classic that Michael originally recorded for the E.T. Storybook. It is the “Opening Version” (4:47) of the song that is available on this record.
Then comes a demo of “Billie Jean.” This early version of Michael's masterpiece is extraordinary. Although he has no lyrics for the song yet (except for the chorus line), Michael performs the complete vocals in total improvisation. This is legendary art in the making. A must-hear.
The next bonus track on the record is the amazing recording session of the “Thriller” rap with actor Vincent Price. The track features the never-before-released second verse of the famous rap and the complete uncut infectious closing laughter. A hilarious moment.
The final bonus track on this special edition is the never-before-released song “Carousel” (1:49), a left-off of the THRILLER sessions. “Carousel” was written and composed by Michael Sembello. It is a superb song that will undoubtedly become a favorite among fans. Unfortunately, the song has been shortened for the expanded version. The second verse and several choruses have been edited out. Fans will have to content themselves with one third of the actual song. Given the quality of the track, it is really too bad.
The expanded version of THRILLER also contains audio interviews with producer Quincy Jones and composer Rod Temperton. These interesting insights deal with the making of the album, Vincent Price's participation, “Carousel” and the videos.
Note: The expanded edition of THRILLER was to include the original demo version of “Starlight” (eventually retitled “Thriller”). However, this track has finally been removed from the tracklisting.
The expanded version of the BAD album features 3 bonus tracks: “Streetwalker,” “Todo Mi Amor Eres Tu” and “Fly Away.”
“Streetwalker” (5:49) is a never-before-released song from the BAD sessions. It was originally supposed to be included to the album instead of “Another Part Of Me.” Although the track is inspired and full of energy, it is fair to say that it ultimately didn't measure up to “Another Part Of Me.” When listening to this song, fans will finally discover where the intro doo-woops from the live versions of “Heartbreak Hotel” and “The Way You make Me Feel” come from!
“Todo Mi Amor Eres Tu” (4:04) is the Spanish version of “I Just Can't Stop Loving You.” It has previously been released in 1987 in Spanish-speaking markets. It is sung in Spanish by Michael and Siedah Garrett (lyrics translated by Ruben Blades). This special version is now available to all.
“Fly Away” (3:26) is an original song written, composed and performed by Michael Jackson. It was finally cut from the final selection of tracks for the BAD album. Although this song was covered by sister Rebbie on her 1998 Yours Faithfully album, Michael's mid-tempo version was never-before-released. “Fly Away” is another instant classic that definitely deserved to be released from the King of Pop's vaults. Note: this version of “Fly Away” is an advanced demo. It is not a final mix.
As with the other expanded versions, BAD contains audio interviews with producer Quincy Jones where he talks about recording “Bad” with Prince, his favorite songs on the album and shooting the “Bad” video.
Due to a lack of available space on the CD, DANGEROUS only includes one bonus track. The title song “Dangerous” has been replaced with a remix of “Dangerous”: Roger's Rough Dub (6:59).
Source: Planet Jackson
More Artists Join 'What More Can I Give'
According to VH1, more music superstars have joined Michael's effort to raise money for the families and victims of the Septemebr 11 terrorist attacks. R&B singer Usher and country singer Reba McEntire have joined the lineup which already included Destiny's Child, Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys and his brother, singer Aaron Carter.
It has been reported that Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake of NSYNC were also committed to the project but a spokesperson for the couple has said that their participation has not yet been confirmed.
Source: VH1 / MJFC
is the new song in the USA!
"You Rock My World"

Quote from Michael Jackson "What More Can I Give"
In a recent statement to Rolling Stone magazine, Michael Jackson elaborated on the reasons behind his "What More Can I Give" humanitarian project.
He said, "I'm not one to sit back and point the finger and say, 'Oh, I feel bad for what happened to them.' I want to do something, to give to help those who lost their parents, who lost their mothers and their fathers. Those are our people. Those are our children. Those are our parents.
"I want the whole world to sing [What More Can I Give], to bring us together as a world, because a song is a mantra, something you repeat over and over. And we need peace, we need giving, we need love, we need unity."
Michael Jackson has invited major American artists to join him in the recording of a new song to benefit the victims of Tuesday's tragic events.
The King of Pop hopes to raise $50 million for the survivors and their families. He will produce a song titled "What More Can I Give," and record it with an all-star cast of performers.
Michael Jackson is currently in the studio working on "What More Can I Give." This week, a demo version of the song will be sent to the artists committed to the project. Michael Jackson wishes to release the song as soon as possible.
In a statement sent to the media on Sunday, Michael Jackson said, "I believe in my heart that the music community will come together as one and rally to the aid of thousands of innocent victims. There is a tremendous need for relief dollars right now and through this effort each one of us can play an immediate role in helping comfort so many people.
We have demonstrated time and again that music can touch our souls. It is time we used that power to help us begin the process of healing immediately.
The lyrics to 'What More Can I Give' seek to help the world's citizens find solace in the wake of the attack on America and to create a sense of global unity in the face of mindless violence and mass murder."
All proceeds from the song will go to a relief fund for the families of the victims and the survivors.
Michael Jackson wrote and composed "What More Can I Give" in early 1999 but never released it. The song was inspired by Nelson Mandela.
On March 1999, as he was preparing "Michael Jackson & Friends," his charity concerts in Munich and Seoul, Michael Jackson released a statement to the press in which he refered to his creating "What More Can I Give."
He said, "In an earlier conversation I had this year with President Mandela, we discussed the concept of giving and the words 'What More Can I Give' kept coming into my mind. That will be a song of mine and a theme for my [forthcoming] shows. We all have to give and we all have to do what we can to help end the needless suffering in the world."
Michael Jackson also plans on recording a Spanish version of "What More Can I Give" to be released simultaneously as the original English version.
There are currently no plans to include "What More Can I Give" to the INVINCIBLE album.
Source: Planet Jackson
Michael & Friends Aid Attack Survivors & Families
The King of Pop is calling on his famous friends once again. This time to come together to record a song that will raise $50 million for the survivors and the families of victims in Tuesday's terrorist attack. The song, 'What More Can I Give,' will be produced by Michael and all proceeds will go to a relief fund for the victims' families and survivors.
Of the effort, which is similar to the 'We Are The World' project of 1985, Michael said,
"I believe in my heart that the music community will come together as one and rally to the aid of thousands of innocent victims. There is a tremendous need for relief dollars right now and through this effort each one of us can play an immediate role in helping comfort so many people. We have demonstrated time and again that music can touch our souls. It is time we used that power to help us begin the process of healing immediately."
Singers already committed to the project include Destiny's Child, Mya, Britney Spears, Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys, and Justin Timberlake of *NSYNC. Others are still lining up to lend their talents.
According to the statement released on Sunday, the song will be released as soon as possible and there will also be a Spanish language version as well.
Source: Reuters / MJFC
Michael Jackson Leaves New York City
Tuesday, September 11th, early in the afternoon, Michael Jackson left New York City.
Following many requests from fans concerned about Michael's health, please be assured that Michael is safe and sound and was not in the vicinity of the World Trade Center when the tragedy happened.
Planet Jackson inform people that wish to gather information about their fellow fans in New York that the Michael Jackson Internet Fan-Club is dedicating a special space for them in their forum at www.mjifc.com
Source: Planet Jackson
The photos of
Madison Square Garden Night 7/9 - 2001
Click here!
The King of Pop in MTV Video Music Awards!!

Apparently Michael Jackson wanted to get the dust off his signature black penny loafers 24 hours ahead of schedule. He performed in front of a U.S. audience for the first time in years when he joined 'NSYNC onstage at the MTV Video Music Awards.
Toward the end of the group's performance of "Pop," the words "King of Pop" appeared on a giant Etch a Sketch, only to be replaced by a silhouette of Jackson. As the oversized drawing device was elevated, Jackson, dressed in a white V-neck T-shirt and a black shirt and pants, came onstage and started to do the robot, pop-lock and show off his often-imitated spins and feet shuffling, but he did not sing.
Jackson's only acknowledgement to the audience, which gave him a standing ovation, was a single point of the finger.
Jackson and 'NSYNC will again team up for a performance of the Jackson 5's "Dancing Machine" with Jackson's brothers during the Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration, The Solo Years tribute. The star-studded tribute concerts take place Friday and Monday in New York.
Photo : Reuters/Peter Morgan/Gary Hershorn, AP/Beth A. Keiser)
Source: Mtv
There will be a MJ-meeting at the 'King-of-Pop'
bar in
Thun. Even though we know that this information is very short ahead we want
to let you know about this meeting. Everybody who is able to attend is very
much welcome!
Photo MJFC3G
Here arethe details:
date: Saturday, September 1st, 2001
hour: open from 20.00 h
where? King of Pop - Bar
address: Velseareal
Scheibenstrasse 31
3600 Thun
event: there will be MJ-videos and of course his music all evening long!
YRMW included!
The King of Pop-Bar is not far away from the train station in Thun. By taxi
it costs about Fr. 10.- By feet you'll need about 15 minutes to walk.
Kind regards,
The Swiss Michael Jackson Fanclub
If you have any further questions you may call
Renata (SwissMJFC): 079-328 91 82.
And last but not least: parents are welcome as well!
Source :SwissMJFC