Fan demo
At the initiative of the United Michael Jackson Fan-Clubs, several demonstrations in support of Michael Jackson will take place throughout Europe in the forthcoming weeks.
June 13th, 2002 NEW YORK
USA Location: Sony Music Headquarters 550 Madison Avenue
New York City
Fan Demonstration & Michael's Speech
June 15th, 2002 LONDON
About 1000 fans from all over the world gathered in Great Malborough Street (London, UK) to demonstrate in front of Sony Music offices on Saturday morning. They were sporting very colourful banners and signs, and chanting 'TERMINATE MOTTOLA' and 'SONY SUCKS' with Michael Jackson's 'Invincible' on the background. MTV, BBC and other media were also present.
The fans were announced that Michael would show up around 1 pm, he arrived in a double deck London bus around 1:30 pm. The bus was swarmed with fans chanting and showing their support to Michael. He leaned out of the bus several times to get the banners and to greet fans who were going absolutely mad and then led the demonstration chanting against Sony with a megaphone. Thousands of people kept running after the bus down Oxford Street, one of London's busiest streets on Saturdays. It was amazing.
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Later on at the Equinox Michael made a speech in which he laid out the truth about Sony, saying he is leaving them as a free agent, after the release of a box set with two new songs he has recorded a long time ago already.
And he is leaving them owning half of Sony. He outhought Sony and that's why they are mad and trying to sabotage his album.
Source: MJFC / Special thanks to Diana D'alo for this report.
Photos:Rex Feetures&mjangel
June 15th, 2002 LONDON - ENGLAND in the
Michael Jackson To Attend Special Event in London
On June 15th, fans from all over Europe will converge on London for the most special Michael Jackson event of the year.
As they get together in an unprecedented effort to support the promotion of INVINCIBLE, fans will have the amazing opportunity to see the King of Pop in person! at a unique event organized by British fan-club MJNI.
It has now been confirmed that Michael Jackson will be in attendance at the Equinox, Leicester Square, London, for MJNI's party celebrating the King of Pop.
Prior to the party, a large demonstration of fan support will be held by MJNI as a surprise for Michael Jackson, who will be in London that day on private business.
For additional information on the event, how to participate in the demonstration and attend the MJNI party, visit:
July 6
Michael Jackson Receives 30th Anniversary Award
During the '30 Years of Magic' Fan Celebration in New York, USA on July 6, 2002 Michael Jackson personally acepted the 'Michael Jackson 30th Anniversary Award'. It was handed over by Nijel, BPG, the artist who sculpted the award.
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The '30 Years of Magic' Fan Celebration has been organized by MJFC and Navi with kind support by The Magical Child, King Of Pop Fanatics, MJJ Forum, The Michael Jackson World Network, Together for a better World, Michael Jackson...Magic, Heal 4 Michael, The Invincibles, and Diana d'Alo'.
Source: MJFC / Photos copyright AP Photo (Chad Rachman)
The image or the content must not be copied in whole or in part
without prior written permission by MJFC. All rights reserved. New York City. July 6, 2002. One magical moment. One magical night.
The Michael Jackson Fan Club (MJFC) is proud to present the '30 Years of Magic' Fan Celebration. This is a once-in-a-lifetime event that will feature music, dancing, entertainment and most importantly--Michael Jackson!
Michael has agreed to attend this event to thank his fans for all of their love and support during the past 30 years and to accept 'The Michael Jackson 30th Anniversary Fan Award' designed by artist extraordinaire, Nijel, BPG.
Keep checking our site for further details on the '30 Years of Magic' Fan Celebration.
FC sponsort
30th Anniversary Award An award for Michael
Source: MJFC
Demonstration at Zurich in Switzerland Saturday, May 18, 2002, the demonstration in Switzerland took place at Zurich.
From 11h00 to 12h00 a.m. the fans were at the meeting place on the main station of Zurich. Some fans came from Germany and others had to travel for more than 2 h until Zurich. At 0h20 p.m. they moved in direction of Sony, the promotion office. There were 50 fans. With them a journalist from a radio station who asked some questions to the fans.
And a journalist of television too !! of Tele 6 Züri, with the result: a very positive report in the news! He followed the fans until the office Sony where everybody begun to call out loud "The shame for Sony". The journalist took some interviews and continued to film.
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The fans in Switzerland, well done to everybody, MJ is invincible and we will never drop, Keep the Magic !