Heal The World Foundatio
The first logo well before the very famous one below:
We don't mention often enough the human side of Michael, all the things he did and gave to help and save lives through his association Heal the World, the money to help hospitals, all the benefits of the Dangerous Tour. If a child needed emergency surgery, he paid directly to save that life. Inviting children from poor neighbourhoods and sometimes sick ones to his Neverland Ranch. They had even set up beds in his cinema with all the necessary equipment like in the hospital for some children suffering from cancer!
But yes, it is about all this we are going to talk in this special section to pay tribute to him but also to all these children.
Have a good read!
Michael Jackson 3 Generations Fan Club
"The voice of the unheard... our children."
Michael Jackson
Heal The World is an international foundation established by Michael Jackson to bring the world's problems closer to children's hearts and minds. The foundation was based in the U.S.A. and England.
The purpose is to improve conditions of live around the world, focusing on a number of important issues, including environmental problems, poverty, racism, drugs, alcoholism, famine and cruelty to children. Established on September 30, 1992, in Bucarest, Romania, by Michael Jackson.
Michael held a press conference, in the presence of the Romanian Prime Minister, at the Casino theater . He declared:
"I am very happy to be here ... in Romania, for my live concert on HBO, and to help the children. Dear friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Prime Minister. These children are as dear to me as all children in the world. Today, I had the opportunity to see the face of transformation and civilization. A moment like this means healing the world. We must heal the world by ourselves. We have to weave our lives as a ring, because we are part of that ring. Through negligence, we have contaminated and polluted our planet and in return we have hurt ourselves. Through the song of life is the dance of our blood. The environment is an extension of our body and it gives the impulse of love, it is the orchestra of symphony of the universe. It is the territory of music and it allows us to rediscover our souls. Let us rejoice together in love today, in unity and conciliation. Let us heal everyone and therefore heal ourselves. Let us make an alliance with life and joyfully celebrate a new world ... and heal. Thank you .... expecially to all the children of the world. I love you all. Thank you very much ... Thank you. ».
The only reason I am going back on tour is the opportunity to raise funds for my new foundation Heal The World. This is an international organisation that aims to help children and ecology. My goal is to raise one hundred million dollars by Christmas 1993. I invite all legal and natural persons who are concerned about the future of children and the planet to join me in raising funds for this charity. Heal The World Foundation will be donating funds to Paediatric AIDS in honour of my friend Ryan White. Heal The World will also work with other organizations such as Camp Ronald McDonald, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Juvenile Diabetes and the Minority AIDS Foundation. I look forward to go back on tour as it will give me the opportunity to visit children around the world. And I will strive to spread this message of universal love, in the hope that others will also be touched and help us heal the world.
Heal The World was at the heart of Michael's activities in the early 1990s. In addition to donating profits from his Dangerous Tour to this organization, Michael is involved in the development of its charitable activities. Humanitarian parcels were sent to Sarajevo in 1992.
He imposed a motto "In order to heal the world, we must start by healing our children".
1992 - England
Organisation of a medical team of 20 doctors in Bucarest, Romania, to provide life-saving equipment (food supplies, clothing, medicines) and expert paediatric care for orphans. Building a playground in an orphanage of 450 children in Bucarest, after learning that these children had developed severe emotional, psychological and behavioural problems, as a result they spent most of their time indoors or lying in their beds.
1992 - Bosnia
The H.T.W. Foundation carried out a convoy from New York to Sarajevo. A survival cargo plane carrying almost 47 tons of survival supplies, amount of 2.1 million dollars. And a second freighter to Sarajevo, from Hawarden Airport, Chester, England, made possible thanks to thousands of children from the north of Ireland and the northwest of England, through participation in the "Pay a pound for a plane" theme, to an "Operation Children's Christmas".
In 1992
Press conference event held at the Radio City Music Hall in New York, he announces his return with the Dangerous World Tour. All profits will generate the coffers of his new foundation.
June: Donation of 100,000 DM to the Sophia Childrens' Hospital in Rotterdam.
July: Donation of L.821.477.296 to La Partita del Cuore (Fight against cancer) in Roma. Donation of DM 120.000 to Childrens' Charities in Estonia and Latvia.
September: Donation of 1 million Pesetas to the Queen of Spain's Charity Society. Inauguration of a children's playground in Bucarest, Romania.
November: 47 tons of winter relief for children in Sarajevo, in association with AmeriCares, including medicines, blankets, winter clothes and shoes.
December: Aid by air transport to children in Bosnia, in association with "The Christmas Children's Operation", consisting of 30'000 "shoeboxes" with toys, school items, photos and letters collected by schoolchildren in England.
In 1993
January : A new American Children's Aid Initiative announced in Los Angeles : "Heal L.A" in collaboration with Cities In Schools, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, The BEST Foundation, Watts Health Foundation and in partnership with Drug Free America, which helps to solve the problems of young people in cities by taking action against drug abuse and preventive education against AIDS, and immunisation campaigns following the 1992 troubles.
Donation of $1.25 Million plus the benefits of Michael Jackson's performance during Super Bowl XXVII in Pasadena, CA (USA) to Heal L.A.
February: Launch in association with SEGA, of an initiative to distribute over $108,000 worth of video games and equipment to children's hospitals, children's homes and children's charities across England.
April: Michael visited 3 sites in South Los Angeles to check on efforts at the "Heal L.A." project, the first program under the new "Heal Our Children/Heal The World" initiative. At a press conference on January 26th, H.T.W.F. announced that, beginning on the first "anniversary" of the Los Angeles riots (April 29th, 1992), they would be setting up direct services in the community and surrounding areas, as well as immunization against the harms of drugs, with an information centre in coalition with detoxification centres. Michael JACKSON visited the Watts Health Foundation, which is an etablishment of the Los Angeles Immunization. The Heal L.A. partnership has made an effort to support 15,000 immunizations during the year. Michael helped many young and old by entertaining them while they healed. Michael also visited an after school program in El Santo Nino, where young people learn about drug prevention, and participated in a discussion group at Horace Mann Middle School on the power and impact of prevention.
All three programs at "Heal L.A." are progressing very well, plans are being made for their efforts during the year, which will soon add up to their expected goals.
August: With Pepsi Cola Thailand, donation of $40,000 to Princess Maha Charki's Sinindhorn Association, the Rural School Children and Youth Development Fund, and support for the dinner programmes of rural villages in Thailand.
Together with Pepsi Cola International, donation of new ambulances to the "Contact One Independent Living Center", for children in Moscow, Russia and the Ninos Doctor Ricardo Gutierrez Hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
October: Donation of $100,000 to the Children's Defense Fund, the Diabetic Children's Foundation, the Atlanta Project and the Boys and Girls Club of Newark, New Jersey.
December: With the Gorbachev Foundation, air transport of 60,000 doses of children's vaccines to Tblisi, Georgia.
In association with the operation for Christmas Children, donation for the children of ex-Yugoslavia of 100,000 "Shoe Boxes" filled with toys, small gifts, and letters donated by the children of England.
Staged by the H.T:W Foundation, at the half time of the Super Bowl event, with the performance of Michael JACKSON, and seen by 1 milliard TV viewers!
Founded « The "Heal Our Children", in association with former president Jimmy Carter and Michael Jackson. In an effort to focus attention due to the intensity of insecurity and drugs in the interior of large cities. A first programme is starting in Los Angeles with "Heal L.A".
Former President CARTER, who co-chairs the "Heal Our Children/ Heal The World Organisation" with Michael JACKSON, invited Michael to visit Atlanta to support the major driving prevention project in Atlanta. It was the biggest car prevention success in the country's history with 16,000 prevention measures completed in one week! And those who were affected, their parents and more than 10,000 volunteers were invited to the Kids' Celebration at the O.M.N.I Arena in Atlanta. Michael JACKSON joined Mr and Mrs CARTER, Ted TURNER, Jane FONDA and Lisa Marie PRESLEY in the front row during the Kids' Celebration. Gladys KNIGHT gave an acoustic live performance of the "Heal The World" version, which was accompanied by a choir of 200 children.
At a press conference before the celebration, Michael said, "President CARTER and I share a vision for our children's future...we will continue our efforts to improve our children's health. We can make the world a better place". The CLINTON administration has set up public funding for the national "Summer of Service" project, a youth work program. The Los Angeles project "Building up: Summer of Service" will become the fourth bet of "Heal L.A". 150 young people will be enrolled in the Los Angeles programme. "Heal L.A." has been able to set up technical assistance to select young participants, from South Central, including gang members and delinquents, who will exchange their weapons for work, and provide a service to the community.
"Lightwater Valley Theme Park", an outdoor concert to raise funds for the air convoy in December. Michael JACKSON: "In the name of Heal The World Foundation, thank you so much for participating in the first event in England with the Lightwater Valley Theme Park. Through our efforts, we will be able to bring a little hope and happiness to innocent children living the war in Bosnia. In December, with your help, Operation Children's Christmas will send more food, medical supplies, and toys to Sarajevo, to ease the lives of these young children. I am so touched to know that you are reaching out your hand to these innocent victims of this terrible war. My sincere thanks to everyone who has put their time and effort into organizing this event today. Together, we can heal the world and make it a better place for all our children. I love you all."
The "Swim The World" programme: organises a swimming competition in every country of the world, via yacht clubs, to raise funds. 74 Sega packages, including colour televisions, master system II and 15 to 20 game cassettes, given as gifts to many charities, hospitals and children's organisations.
In partnership with "Operation Children's Christmas", children in Great Britain donated gifts for 100,000 children in Bosnia, via the air convoy entitled "Children helping children". On December 15, 1993, we used the largest cargo plane, the Antonov 124, to transport the 150 tons of toys, candy, and essential supplies for the children living in Yugoslavia. For several months, air convoys from Great Britain, USA, Canada, Germany, and other European countries, have been wrapping these gifts in shoeboxes, including letters and photos of themselves. All these shoeboxes have been stored in a large warehouse and expedited to Zagreb. As a result, more than 100,000 children living in the war zone received a gift at time for Christmas, and, very important, they knew that tens of thousands of people and children around the world care about them and their problems, which they face every day.
In 1994
January: T with "Unihealth" and the Los Angeles Immunization Coalition, provision of vaccines to homeless children by Los Angeles headquarters with Discovery Toys, donation of hundreds of toys to children in the immunization program.
Grant of $85,000 to Heal L.A. headquarters by non-profit organizations to help families with long-term recovery, including the Al Wootin Jr. Heritage Center, Casa Rutilio Grande, Clinica Para las Americas, Families in New Directions, Meeting Each Need With Dignity, Proyecto Esperanza, Pueblo Nuevo and Vaughn Street Family Center.
In association with General Electric, Lever Brothers and Surf Wash, donated washers and dryers to 25 non-profit organisations to provide free laundry services to earthquake-affected families.
Heal The World and Edward James Olmos of Heal L.A. provide earthquake safety education.
With the Salvation Army, a day for 400 homeless children and parents at Universal Studios.
Winter-Summer: Heal L.A immunization and guiding initiatives supported by Kriss Kross' visit to George C.Page Children's Hospital Community Health Center, Raver Symone and Bryton McClure of Bancroft Middle School
Summer: In association with the Los Angeles Unified School District, Youth Services, I Have A Dream Foundation, Best Buddies, Overcoming Obstacle and California One to One, providing 2,000 free tickets for children to the concert Janet Jackson, the "Coker Jam" and "The Beach Boys."
August: In association with Toys'R Us and AmeriCares, distribution of over $20,000 worth of toys, food and supplies for the Children's Hospital in Budapest, Hungary.
Late Summer: Heal L.A. finds an implementation of the Los Angeles Girl Guide Program team in Six "Los Angeles Unified School Disctrict Middle Schools" in South Central Los Angeles and the Union Pico District, reaching 1,000 young people.
October: Launch of the Community School/Safe Heavens Initiative, designed to take action on environmental safety in the L.A. community, in which Students, Families, and Residents can pursue after-school recreational activities such as computer instruction, languages, maths, and sports.
In 1995
February: Heal L.A. develops scholarships offering hours of programmes at the "Community School/Safe Haven Initiative", in which more than 1,200 families can be included.
March: Liver transplant payment to a young Hungarian boy, Bela Farkas.
His face was all green but he had this light, this sparkle in his eyes. I asked his nurse what was wrong with this child. She told me that he needed a liver urgently and that he would die if he didn't get a transplant. There was no way I was going to let this sweet little angel die. I moved heaven and earth to find a solution and I was relieved when I was called and told that he would finally be operated on. I was so proud to have been able to help him. God bless him. I love you Farkas (Farkas is the last name of the kid Michael Jackson confused with his first name Béla - now Tamás).
Article about this little boy who since has grown up and a family:
June: Heal The World/Youth ambassadors of the World Children's Congress, present their findings from the World Children's Congress at the Children's Summit during the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, celebrated in San Francisco, CA, and meet with UN Secretary Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Reverend Jessie Jackson, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and several UN Ambassadors.
Heal The World, the young ambassadors of the World Children's Congress with the children of the Torch of Hope in Mexico City, are travelling across the United States to bring the message of the World Children's Congress at more than 30 events sponsored by the Children of the Earth coalition and EC2000.
October: Brownstone and Tasha Scott performed at Horace Mann Middle School to start the new school year for the Community School/Safe Haven Initiative.
Heal The World, the Youth ambassadors of the World Children's Congress reported to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva, Switzerland.
December: Heal The World/Youth ambassadors of the World Children's Congress expressed their attachment to the "Guardians of the Future" monument in Mexico City, sponsored by EC2000, Terra Christa Communications, UNICEF, the Office of the Mayor of Mexico City and in coalition with Children of the Earth.
46 children from 17 nations assembled in Neverland for the World Children's Congress, a 3-day seminar to discuss about drug abuse, homelessness, rising violence, AIDS and child abuse.
Representatives for the World Congress for Children have been selected from Finland, Belgium, Cameroon, Japan, Singapore, Spain, U.S.A., England, New Zealand and Australia. More competitions will soon be held in many other European countries, Asia, Africa and America.
The second step will be to encourage the choice of representatives to act locally in time, and to think about solutions in their own countries through initiation and discussions with their compatriots. It is extremely important that the ambassadors really represent the opinion of their companions. A propagation of ideas will also be encouraged by the introduction to other ambassadors in each country, what will facilitate dialogue between each country.
The foundation has also brought underprivileged children to the Neverland Ranch for rides in amusement parks.
In 1996
February: Heal The World, the youth ambassadors of the World Congress of Children in Mexico City, presented a model for creating a supportive environment at the United Nations Habitat II Prep Committee.
April: Heal The World, the young ambassadors of the World Congress, pay first attention to Children: Four Global in Atlanta, Georgia. The event was conducted by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Rosalynn Carter, the Carter Center and the Task Force to Save Children, co-sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation, the Annie E. Foundation, and the United Nations Children's Fund. Casey, the World Bank and Heal The World assembled 360 representatives from 100 countries to discuss strategies to improve the quality of children's lives.
Heal The World, the youth ambassadors of the World Congress of Children is hosting the Spectrum Light Youth Conference in Washington D.C. to form a partnership to draw attention to the needs of a society based on a healthy environment.
Due to a lack of regular activities and funds, Heal The World sees its projects remain at a standstill at the dawn of the 2000s. In 2002, it officially closed it's doors. In the meantime, Michael Jackson tried to launch another project, Heal The Kids, but this new idea was abandoned under the insistent pressure of his managers, who decided to take him back to the recording studios and the stage".